SFDS SERVICE TO OTHERS For the month of July, 2019
The Center for Respite Care invites you to share an Evening Picnic with the homeless
clients staying at the Center. Date: Sunday, July 28th from 4:30-6:30pm.
PICNIC THEME… this is a time to enjoy food, have fun and build camaraderie! Due to a theme we are requesting certain items versus it being open ended.
- Please sign-up to prepare part of the PICNIC for the clients at The Center for Respite Care – note that there are no kitchen facilities at the Center.
- Please join the clients to share the picnic and play a few games of dominoes!
- Please prepare all items beforehand and bring hot items in crock pots or other dishes that hold heat well.
- There will be up to 30 people, including us. Please note, the clients’ dietaryneeds require LOW SODIUM. If you are preparing your own recipes, go light on the salt. If purchasing, low sodium or no salt if that is an option.
- Location: 1615 Republic Street (Over the Rhine) 45202
Please sign-up at the table near the Altar to be part of the Evening Picnic and to share this meal with the clients.
Questions? Contact Mary Ellen Roberts at (239) 643-9980 or email: mom3gram3@icloud.com
And, the Center has an ongoing need, to “Stock the Freezer”
Their food service provider is closed on the weekends and the Center must provide its own meals.
This is usually done through the generosity of various groups (see above) that volunteer to prepare and share weekend meals. However, on the days that no one volunteers, this responsibility has fallen upon the staff to volunteer to prepare a meal.
We are asking you to “Stock the Freezer”:
Either prepare healthy, LOW SODIUM, frozen meals for 20 which can be thawed and then re-heated in crockpots (Note: There is not a stove on site);
Or, purchase healthy, LOW SODIUM, frozen meals that can be thawed and re-heated;
Or, donate Kroger (or other gift cards) which can be used to purchase frozen meals when necessary.
Please bring your prepared or purchased frozen meals (label what is inside and the date made) to Church on Sunday, July 14th, 21st, and 28th.
There will be coolers with ice near the Altar to keep your donations frozen.
And/or put your donation of food gift cards in an envelope marked “RespiteCenter – Stock the Freezer” in the Sunday Collection Baskets.