
Click on any of the four Ministry topics below to display committees.

Volunteers are always needed to make our Liturgical Celebration a reflection of the community spirit you will find here at Saint Francis de Sales Parish. No age limit or special skills needed.  Our weekly sign-up schedule is on the table in the front of church.  All are welcome and encouraged to participate in the Mass.


Are you comfortable reading in front of others?

If so, serving as a lector at Sunday Mass is a perfect opportunity to share your skills.

Lectors can volunteer as frequently as they desire to read one of the first or second liturgical readings, or deliver the weekly petitions.  If you are interested in learning more about serving as a Lector,  sign up at the volunteer table in front of church.

Acolytes (servers)

You can’t get any closer to the action than by serving Mass!

New servers are always welcome. Once you sign up, you’ll be contacted to discuss orientation and a schedule that matches your availability.  After Mass talk to Fr. Mike, our pastor or Bro. Bob Politi, SM, parish sacristan if you would like to volunteer to serve at mass.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic ministers assist in distribution of Communion at Mass.

We need three Eucharistic Ministers at each Sunday service. Because of this, we can never have enough Eucharistic Ministers who are ready to assist when needed.

Please sign up on the volunteer forms in the front of church.


St. Francis de Sales has cultivated a reputation for welcoming all people to our parish services.

What a better way to deliver that message than to greet parish members and visitors as they enter church.  It’s also a great way to interact with the congregation and assist with any questions or concerns.

The schedule for greeters can be customized to meet your needs.  Sign up sheet is in the front of church.


Assist with the weekly Mass collection before the Offertory.

It is preferred that we have four individuals to assist with collections at each Mass.  You can sign up on the forms in front of church and pick a schedule that matches your availability.

Gift Bearers

Delivering the Offertory Gifts

Presenting the Offertory Gifts does not require any special skills, but it represents a significant part of our Mass as we present our gifts to God.  It is a great opportunity for a group of 2-3 individuals to represent our congregation in making this presentation at each Mass.   Sign up on the forms in the front of church or let one of the Greeters know before Mass that you’d be interested in assisting with the gifts.

Choir Member

If you enjoy singing, why not join the choir?

The choir meets for practice on Thursdays at 7:00 pm during the Fall-Spring seasons, as well as every Sunday, 30 to 45 minutes before mass.

If you are interested, please email our music director Susie Schickel

If you are among those who love cleaning and just can’t get enough of it or just need a quiet, peaceful place to spend some energy in solitude, we could use your help. If you have a few hours a week or month to spare, please review the opportunities below and see what service might appeal to you.   To volunteer for any of the groups below, you can email here, or call the parish office at 513-961-1945

Click on any of the ministries below to review more details!

Church Cleaning

The clean up ministers meet at the Church on Saturdays between 8-10 am to do some general cleaning.

Duties can include dusting, sweeping, vacuuming and various other activities.   We welcome your assistance anytime you can make it.   The more volunteers we get, the quicker this crew gets finished!

General Maintenance

Our Church is a beautiful, historical building for all to appreciate and enjoy year-round.

Like any facility though, at times things deteriorate and need repair.  If you have skills or resources that could be of assistance with facility support and advice we always welcome these resources.

Please feel free to email us at, or call the office at 513-961-2257 to add your name as a resource should a need for maintenance skills and support arise.

Gardening and Watering Plants

If you still like getting outside, playing in the mud and getting dirty, this is a place for you!

Help plant and care for the flowers that beautify our grounds. You can help for an hour or two or a season long commitment to water.

We have plenty of options and welcome all support!

Offertory Candles

The offertory candles all around our church require ongoing attention.

Replenishing extinguished candles, cleaning candle glass, and general cleanup are done on a weekly basis.

Contact us if you can lend your support.


On a liturgical season basis, the decorations change in the church.

Some decoration efforts require many more resources than others, such as the Christmas season.  This committee needs some folks with strong backs, and others with decorative expertise.

If your interested in helping, I’m sure we can find a use for your skills!

Snow Removal

We all know our winters can be unpredictable!

Hopefully this is a group of volunteers that we seldom need to call on, but in most winters, we will need some help.  If you can offer your support by putting your name on a call list for snow removal it would be appreciated by all.

Aiding our pastor with his pastoral duties is a great way to get involved and share your gifts with the community in a way that no other ministries offer.

Click on any of the ministries below to review more details!

Pastoral Council

The Parish Council is an advisory board to the Pastoral Team, which guides and maintains the overall spirit and functioning of the parish by assessing current needs, pastoral priorities, long-range planning, and other strategic issues that affect the parish as a whole.

A minimum of nine people serve on this Committee for three-year terms or more, along with the Pastor & Pastoral Associate serving as two additional ex-officio members.  The Pastoral Council also maintains contact with other committees and ministries.

Members are recruited and voted in by seated Parish Council.

Click below to review the most recent Parish Council Minutes:

Click below to review past Parish Council Minutes:


2023-24 Minutes

September 17, 2024 Meeting

August 27, 2024 Meeting

May 21, 2024 Meeting

April 16, 2024 Meeting

March 19, 2024 Meeting

February 20, 2024 Meeting

January 29,2024 Meeting


December 21, 2023 Meeting

November 21, 2023 Meeting

October 17, 2023 Meeting

September 19, 2023 Meeting

August 15, 2023 Meeting

May 23, 2023 Meeting


Finance Committee/Facilities Subcommittee

The purpose of the St. Francis de Sales Parish Finance Committee is to provide guidance and counsel to the Pastoral Team and Parish Pastoral Council in all affairs of a financial nature that affect the parish, including cash management, accounting and bookkeeping, budgets, expense management, and overall financial health.

In terms of duties, this committee reviews and analyzes the quarterly financials and capital expenditures, plus annual budgets.  It also assists in facilities reviews, makes recommendations regarding cash reserves, and advises on general business practices.

Members serve on this committee at the request of the Pastor, and in compliance with approved term limits.  Term limits are: one year for new committee members, renewable for a three-year term. Renewals are as mutually agreed between the committee member and the Pastor, with concurrence of the Committee. Terms are staggered so that no more than two committee members’ terms expire concurrently.

The Finance Committee meets quarterly, or on an as-needed basis.

Facilities Sub-Committee Charter

Children’s Ministry Committee


We are currently re-establishing our Children’s Liturgy during Sunday Mass in the church undercroft.



Wedding Hospitality Committee

Our Hospitality Committee generously gives of their time acting as a liaison between our Parish and the couples being married here at SFdS.  Hospitality Committee Members act as the face of SFdS and hosts welcoming guests to the Church on both the evening of the rehearsal and on the day of the wedding.

If you love working with people and enjoy weddings, then this is the ministry for you!

Email Peggy Smith for more information regarding serving on this committee.

Marianist Spirit Committee

This is a planning group that comes together to initiate events that center around what it means to be a Marianist Parish.  Events in the past include activities such as:

  • A gathering to talk about the philosophy of William Joseph Chaminade, the founder of  the Marianist Religious Order, and how we as a parish can support these traditions;
  • A prayer service devoted to the Blessed Mother;
  • An all-day parish retreat;
  • Lenten Salad and Sandwich dinners which brought parishioners and others together to share a meal, pray and converse.

If you are interested in being a part of this planning group, send an email to  Debbie Young

Prayer Opportunities

Contemplative Prayer Group

Join our Parish Prayer Group – an ecumenical Meditation/Contemplative Prayer groups that meet every Monday at 1:00 pm and Thursday at 7:00 pm in the church undercroft. Beginners and experienced alike are welcome to take part in this ancient form of silent prayer.

For more information on this ministry email Jan Seidel at or  Steve Schaefer

Click here to learn more details and to join the Contemplative Prayer Group.

RCIA Program

If someone you know would like to become Catholic, or you would like to participate as an instructor in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, please call the Parish Family Office at (513) 961-1945 with any questions or contact Al Cucchetti at

Our parish actively supports several important community service programs in our area with support from donations and the volunteers who share their talents with others.

Click on any of the ministries below to review more details!

HELP Program

The HELP Program inspires hope in returning citizens, who have been convicted of a felony by:

  • By providing a caring community of support to assist in their transition
  • Assistance with the daily services they may need 
  • Finding and maintaining employment
  • Becoming fully self-sufficient and contributing members of our society

For more information click here to email  or visit our website at

Center for Respite Care

The mission of the Center for Respite Care is to provide quality, holistic medical care to homeless people who need a safe place to heal while assisting them in breaking the cycle of homelessness.

St. Francis de Sales Parish has long supported the care center through numerous volunteer efforts that include group meals, maintenance services, and fund raising.

To learn more about the care center, please visit their website at

Bio for Bob Donovan, SM, MD

After being in private practice for several years, Bob Donovan entered the Society of Mary. Following profession of vows, he returned to Cincinnati and became Medical Director of the Cincinnati Health Care for the Homeless Program in 1988. As part of his duties he has delivered primary care to people experiencing homelessness on the Mobile Medical Clinic at several of the shelters in the Cincinnati area for 24 years, and he currently cares for people experiencing homelessness (and others) at the McMicken Health Collaborative in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. He also oversees medical operations for the Center for Respite Care, a 24/7 recuperative facility for homeless people recovering from medical and surgical illnesses.

Bob has been President of the Board of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, served on the Steering Committee of the Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network and has been chair of its Communications Committee.

St. Francis De Sales School

There are multiple opportunities for you to volunteer at the school and either use your skills or pass on some of the knowledge you possess to the younger generation.  

The school needs volunteers for After School Tutoring, Cafeteria and Classroom Helpers.

For tutoring and other volunteer opportunities available, please email Ms. Joanne Browarsky or contact her (513) 961-1953.     

Click Here to visit the website for our school.

Purcell Marian High School

Purcell Marian High School also has opportunities for you to volunteer for school tutoring at the secondary level.  Please email Sr. Janet Linz or contact her at (513)751-1230.

Click Here to visit the school website.

Mercy Neighborhood Ministries

Provides Senior Services, Education and Home Care.  You can make a difference as a volunteer, sharing your talents in a variety of ways, such as delivering food items to seniors’ homes, tutoring a GED student, or helping with fund-raising events.  If you would like to share your time and personal gift of service, email Shelia Kinnen or call at (513) 751-2500.  Visit their website to learn more about their services.

Mary Magdalen House

Mary Magdalen House is an oasis for persons in need, to shower, shave, brush their teeth, have their clothes laundered, have use of a phone and have a place to receive messages and mail.  The staff believes that dignity is the beginning of hope.  In the last year, generous staff, volunteers and benefactors served 17,774 men and women and provided 49,912 combined showers and laundry to those in need.

They are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Their aim is to maintain and restore human dignity to those who know the hardships of living on the streets.  To learn more about the services and volunteer opportunities at the Mary Magadalen House visit

If you wish to show support through a donation, here is a small list of needed items that are always needed:

  • White T-Shirts (new) in all sizes; M, L, XL, 2XL and 3XL
  • Disposable razors
  • White athletic socks – ankle height (new)
  • Men’s pants sizes 30, 32, and 34
  • Sample sized toiletries: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion

Donated items can be dropped off at our parish office or in church on Sunday mornings.  Please indicate that your donation is for the Mary Magdalen House.

Mass Ministry

Volunteers are always needed to make our Liturgical Celebration a reflection of the community spirit you will find here at Saint Francis de Sales Parish. No age limit or special skills needed.  Our weekly sign-up schedule is on the table in the front of church.  All are welcome and encouraged to participate in the Mass.


Are you comfortable reading in front of others?

If so, serving as a lector at Sunday Mass is a perfect opportunity to share your skills.

Lectors can volunteer as frequently as they desire to read one of the first or second liturgical readings, or deliver the weekly petitions.  If you are interested in learning more about serving as a Lector,  sign up at the volunteer table in front of church.

Acolytes (servers)

You can’t get any closer to the action than by serving Mass!

New servers are always welcome. Once you sign up, you’ll be contacted to discuss orientation and a schedule that matches your availability.  After Mass talk to Fr. Mike, our pastor or Bro. Bob Politi, SM, parish sacristan if you would like to volunteer to serve at mass.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic ministers assist in distribution of Communion at Mass.

We need three Eucharistic Ministers at each Sunday service. Because of this, we can never have enough Eucharistic Ministers who are ready to assist when needed.

Please sign up on the volunteer forms in the front of church.


St. Francis de Sales has cultivated a reputation for welcoming all people to our parish services.

What a better way to deliver that message than to greet parish members and visitors as they enter church.  It’s also a great way to interact with the congregation and assist with any questions or concerns.

The schedule for greeters can be customized to meet your needs.  Sign up sheet is in the front of church.


Assist with the weekly Mass collection before the Offertory.

It is preferred that we have four individuals to assist with collections at each Mass.  You can sign up on the forms in front of church and pick a schedule that matches your availability.

Gift Bearers

Delivering the Offertory Gifts

Presenting the Offertory Gifts does not require any special skills, but it represents a significant part of our Mass as we present our gifts to God.  It is a great opportunity for a group of 2-3 individuals to represent our congregation in making this presentation at each Mass.   Sign up on the forms in the front of church or let one of the Greeters know before Mass that you’d be interested in assisting with the gifts.

Choir Member

If you enjoy singing, why not join the choir?

The choir meets for practice on Thursdays at 7:00 pm during the Fall-Spring seasons, as well as every Sunday, 30 to 45 minutes before mass.

If you are interested, please email our music director Susie Schickel

Church Maintenance Ministries

If you are among those who love cleaning and just can’t get enough of it or just need a quiet, peaceful place to spend some energy in solitude, we could use your help. If you have a few hours a week or month to spare, please review the opportunities below and see what service might appeal to you.   To volunteer for any of the groups below, you can email here, or call the parish office at 513-961-1945

Click on any of the ministries below to review more details!

Church Cleaning

The clean up ministers meet at the Church on Saturdays between 8-10 am to do some general cleaning.

Duties can include dusting, sweeping, vacuuming and various other activities.   We welcome your assistance anytime you can make it.   The more volunteers we get, the quicker this crew gets finished!

General Maintenance

Our Church is a beautiful, historical building for all to appreciate and enjoy year-round.

Like any facility though, at times things deteriorate and need repair.  If you have skills or resources that could be of assistance with facility support and advice we always welcome these resources.

Please feel free to email us at, or call the office at 513-961-2257 to add your name as a resource should a need for maintenance skills and support arise.

Gardening and Watering Plants

If you still like getting outside, playing in the mud and getting dirty, this is a place for you!

Help plant and care for the flowers that beautify our grounds. You can help for an hour or two or a season long commitment to water.

We have plenty of options and welcome all support!

Offertory Candles

The offertory candles all around our church require ongoing attention.

Replenishing extinguished candles, cleaning candle glass, and general cleanup are done on a weekly basis.

Contact us if you can lend your support.


On a liturgical season basis, the decorations change in the church.

Some decoration efforts require many more resources than others, such as the Christmas season.  This committee needs some folks with strong backs, and others with decorative expertise.

If your interested in helping, I’m sure we can find a use for your skills!

Snow Removal

We all know our winters can be unpredictable!

Hopefully this is a group of volunteers that we seldom need to call on, but in most winters, we will need some help.  If you can offer your support by putting your name on a call list for snow removal it would be appreciated by all.

Committee Ministries

Aiding our pastor with his pastoral duties is a great way to get involved and share your gifts with the community in a way that no other ministries offer.

Click on any of the ministries below to review more details!

Pastoral Council

The Parish Council is an advisory board to the Pastoral Team, which guides and maintains the overall spirit and functioning of the parish by assessing current needs, pastoral priorities, long-range planning, and other strategic issues that affect the parish as a whole.

A minimum of nine people serve on this Committee for three-year terms or more, along with the Pastor & Pastoral Associate serving as two additional ex-officio members.  The Pastoral Council also maintains contact with other committees and ministries.

Members are recruited and voted in by seated Parish Council.

Click below to review the most recent Parish Council Minutes:

Click below to review past Parish Council Minutes:


2023-24 Minutes

September 17, 2024 Meeting

August 27, 2024 Meeting

May 21, 2024 Meeting

April 16, 2024 Meeting

March 19, 2024 Meeting

February 20, 2024 Meeting

January 29,2024 Meeting


December 21, 2023 Meeting

November 21, 2023 Meeting

October 17, 2023 Meeting

September 19, 2023 Meeting

August 15, 2023 Meeting

May 23, 2023 Meeting


Finance Committee/Facilities Subcommittee

The purpose of the St. Francis de Sales Parish Finance Committee is to provide guidance and counsel to the Pastoral Team and Parish Pastoral Council in all affairs of a financial nature that affect the parish, including cash management, accounting and bookkeeping, budgets, expense management, and overall financial health.

In terms of duties, this committee reviews and analyzes the quarterly financials and capital expenditures, plus annual budgets.  It also assists in facilities reviews, makes recommendations regarding cash reserves, and advises on general business practices.

Members serve on this committee at the request of the Pastor, and in compliance with approved term limits.  Term limits are: one year for new committee members, renewable for a three-year term. Renewals are as mutually agreed between the committee member and the Pastor, with concurrence of the Committee. Terms are staggered so that no more than two committee members’ terms expire concurrently.

The Finance Committee meets quarterly, or on an as-needed basis.

Facilities Sub-Committee Charter

Children’s Ministry Committee


We are currently re-establishing our Children’s Liturgy during Sunday Mass in the church undercroft.



Wedding Hospitality Committee

Our Hospitality Committee generously gives of their time acting as a liaison between our Parish and the couples being married here at SFdS.  Hospitality Committee Members act as the face of SFdS and hosts welcoming guests to the Church on both the evening of the rehearsal and on the day of the wedding.

If you love working with people and enjoy weddings, then this is the ministry for you!

Email Peggy Smith for more information regarding serving on this committee.

Marianist Spirit Committee

This is a planning group that comes together to initiate events that center around what it means to be a Marianist Parish.  Events in the past include activities such as:

  • A gathering to talk about the philosophy of William Joseph Chaminade, the founder of  the Marianist Religious Order, and how we as a parish can support these traditions;
  • A prayer service devoted to the Blessed Mother;
  • An all-day parish retreat;
  • Lenten Salad and Sandwich dinners which brought parishioners and others together to share a meal, pray and converse.

If you are interested in being a part of this planning group, send an email to  Debbie Young

Prayer Opportunities

Contemplative Prayer Group

Join our Parish Prayer Group – an ecumenical Meditation/Contemplative Prayer groups that meet every Monday at 1:00 pm and Thursday at 7:00 pm in the church undercroft. Beginners and experienced alike are welcome to take part in this ancient form of silent prayer.

For more information on this ministry email Jan Seidel at or  Steve Schaefer

Click here to learn more details and to join the Contemplative Prayer Group.

RCIA Program

If someone you know would like to become Catholic, or you would like to participate as an instructor in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, please call the Parish Family Office at (513) 961-1945 with any questions or contact Al Cucchetti at

Community Outreach Ministries

Our parish actively supports several important community service programs in our area with support from donations and the volunteers who share their talents with others.

Click on any of the ministries below to review more details!

HELP Program

The HELP Program inspires hope in returning citizens, who have been convicted of a felony by:

  • By providing a caring community of support to assist in their transition
  • Assistance with the daily services they may need 
  • Finding and maintaining employment
  • Becoming fully self-sufficient and contributing members of our society

For more information click here to email  or visit our website at

Center for Respite Care

The mission of the Center for Respite Care is to provide quality, holistic medical care to homeless people who need a safe place to heal while assisting them in breaking the cycle of homelessness.

St. Francis de Sales Parish has long supported the care center through numerous volunteer efforts that include group meals, maintenance services, and fund raising.

To learn more about the care center, please visit their website at

Bio for Bob Donovan, SM, MD

After being in private practice for several years, Bob Donovan entered the Society of Mary. Following profession of vows, he returned to Cincinnati and became Medical Director of the Cincinnati Health Care for the Homeless Program in 1988. As part of his duties he has delivered primary care to people experiencing homelessness on the Mobile Medical Clinic at several of the shelters in the Cincinnati area for 24 years, and he currently cares for people experiencing homelessness (and others) at the McMicken Health Collaborative in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. He also oversees medical operations for the Center for Respite Care, a 24/7 recuperative facility for homeless people recovering from medical and surgical illnesses.

Bob has been President of the Board of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, served on the Steering Committee of the Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network and has been chair of its Communications Committee.

St. Francis De Sales School

There are multiple opportunities for you to volunteer at the school and either use your skills or pass on some of the knowledge you possess to the younger generation.  

The school needs volunteers for After School Tutoring, Cafeteria and Classroom Helpers.

For tutoring and other volunteer opportunities available, please email Ms. Joanne Browarsky or contact her (513) 961-1953.     

Click Here to visit the website for our school.

Purcell Marian High School

Purcell Marian High School also has opportunities for you to volunteer for school tutoring at the secondary level.  Please email Sr. Janet Linz or contact her at (513)751-1230.

Click Here to visit the school website.

Mercy Neighborhood Ministries

Provides Senior Services, Education and Home Care.  You can make a difference as a volunteer, sharing your talents in a variety of ways, such as delivering food items to seniors’ homes, tutoring a GED student, or helping with fund-raising events.  If you would like to share your time and personal gift of service, email Shelia Kinnen or call at (513) 751-2500.  Visit their website to learn more about their services.

Mary Magdalen House

Mary Magdalen House is an oasis for persons in need, to shower, shave, brush their teeth, have their clothes laundered, have use of a phone and have a place to receive messages and mail.  The staff believes that dignity is the beginning of hope.  In the last year, generous staff, volunteers and benefactors served 17,774 men and women and provided 49,912 combined showers and laundry to those in need.

They are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Their aim is to maintain and restore human dignity to those who know the hardships of living on the streets.  To learn more about the services and volunteer opportunities at the Mary Magadalen House visit

If you wish to show support through a donation, here is a small list of needed items that are always needed:

  • White T-Shirts (new) in all sizes; M, L, XL, 2XL and 3XL
  • Disposable razors
  • White athletic socks – ankle height (new)
  • Men’s pants sizes 30, 32, and 34
  • Sample sized toiletries: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion

Donated items can be dropped off at our parish office or in church on Sunday mornings.  Please indicate that your donation is for the Mary Magdalen House.