What is a Marianist Parish?
The Marianist Spirit Committee insures that the charism of the Society of Mary is seen in deed as well as word.
There are five characteristics to this charism:
- Formation in Faith
- We sponsor retreats, pilgrimages, and prayer groups so that members can develop as well as practice their faith
- Centrality of Mary
- Mary is the model disciple who leads our response to God’s invitation to discipleship
- Community
The parish sponsored activities are geared to be, where possible, inclusive of all ages and any group seeking involvement.
We are Mission Oriented
Jesus came to serve. In imitation, our parish actively seeks opportunities to reach out to the people of our city to promote peace, justice, & the integrity of creation.
These are central to the ministries of the parish and so have preference when ministries are considered.
Click Here to review our parish ministry opportunities!
Is Marian
Parish Retreat – to learn more about our faith and ourselves.
Parish Pilgrimage to Bergamo Center in Dayton – a time for quiet personal or group reflection.
Guest Homilist from the Marianist Community – to learn about the Marianists.
Develops Community
Lenten Salad and Sandwich Dinners – to share a simple meal together and learn about one another.
All Ages Event, such as the Scavenger Hunt – to learn about our SFDS history and our community.
Sends People on Mission
Investigating opportunities for nationwide and/or worldwide Mission trips.
Promotes Peace, Justice, the Integrity of Creation, and Service
Monthly Service to Others Program – to support the six Service Agencies associated with our Parish to help those among us.
Marianist Community Brothers
The Society of Mary was founded in France in 1817 by Blessed William Joseph Chaminade. Approximately 500 Brothers and priests comprise the Province of the United States. The following Marianists reside at St. Francis DeSales and serve in various ministries in the Cincinnati area.
Fr. Michael Nartker, S.M.
What I hope to bring to any parish I might be called to serve, is my openness, willingness, and excitement to work with a parish team in the charism of the Marianists with my brothers both lay and religious.
Bro. Paul Hoffman, S.M.
Parish life is very fulfilling. I love the presence and witness to all ages of people through what I call “cradle to the grave.” I enjoy being a part of a big faith community and being present and of assistance in whatever means I can.
Bro. Bob Dzubinski, S.M.
Bro. Bob was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. He studied Music Education at Edinburo State College. He entered the Marianist in 1994, and for the last twenty years served at St. Aloysius School/Parish in Cleveland. He teaches music at St. Francis de Sales Elementary School.
Bro. Ed Longbottom, S.M.
Bro. Ed graduated from Purcell in 1962 and entered the Marianist Novitiate. Following his basic Marianist formation program he graduated from the University of Dayton and began teaching high school. At a later time he completed a masters in school guidance and a few other post graduate programs.
Most of his life has been teaching in High Schools, and 33 of those years were in Marianist schools in Cleveland and Dayton Ohio, and in Dublin, Ireland. Additionally he served in San Antonio, Texas and in Mexico for 12 years in various capacities of administration and in Marianist formation programs.
He is a volunteer Minister of Communion at Good Samaritan Hospital and also a tutor on call at Purcell High School.
Bro. Jean Dossous`, S.M.
Bro. Jean was born and raised in Haiti as well as received his primary and secondary education in Haiti. After joining the Haiti Marianist Brothers in 2008 he professed his first vows in 2011.
In 2013, Bro. Jean moved to the United States and professed his final vows in 2019 becoming a permanent member of the Marianist Province of the United States. He studied English at the University of Dayton and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and History.
He has had the opportunity to be involved in different Marianist ministries such as the Summer Family Retreat Program in Cape May, New Jersey and Governor’s Island near Dayton, Ohio as well as working with Marianist schools in Missouri, Hawaii, New York and Dayton, OH.
Bro. Jean describes his life as a Marianist Brother is one of service, presence, joy, love, peace, sharing, serenity, healing, and justice. Bro. Jean currently lives with the St. Francis de Sales Marianist Community.
Bro. Bob Donovan, S.M., MD
After being in private practice for several years, Bob Donovan entered the Society of Mary. Following profession of vows, he returned to Cincinnati and became Medical Director of the Cincinnati Health Care for the Homeless Program in 1988. As part of his duties he has delivered primary care to people experiencing homelessness on the Mobile Medical Clinic at several of the shelters in the Cincinnati area for 24 years, and he currently cares for people experiencing homelessness (and others) at the McMicken Health Collaborative in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. He also oversees medical operations for the Center for Respite Care, a 24/7 recuperative facility for homeless people recovering from medical and surgical illnesses.
Bob has been President of the Board of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, served on the Steering Committee of the Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network and has been chair of its Communications Committee.